SFIL Weekly Report (May 31– June 6)

SFIL — The World’s First Filecoin Standard Full Hashrate Token


7D High: 16 U
7D Price Change: 14.57%
1M Price Change: -39.56%
Circulating Supply: 1,164,729
Staking Amount: 797,884 (As of 10:00 a.m., June 7)
Staking Percentage: 68.50% (As of 10:00 a.m., June 7)


From June 2 to June 4, SFIL attended Tides.2021 Blockchain Industry Influence Summit (Hangzhou) which was co-hosted by Cabin VC and Blocklike.

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Email: sg@sfil.io



SFIL--Filecoin Standard Full Hashrate Token

SFIL Aims to Build a More Transparent, Efficient and Free Filecoin Mining Ecosystem. Deposit SFIL Into the Wallet and Get Free FIL Each Day.